Mary Help of Christians Chinese Catholic Parish
Salesian Chinese School
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

salesianchineseschool.org • escs.ca

Welcome to Salesian Chinese School
慈幼中文學校是由加拿大愛民頓「瑪利亞進教之佑華人天主堂」主辦的週末中文學校。提供由幼兒班至高中班 (K-12) 及成人班的中文課程,藉此傳揚中華文化,服務社群。課程主要以粵語講授,每學期由九月初開課至翌年六月中。
Salesian Chinese Schools is a weekend Chinese language school. We provide K-12 as well as adult Chinese classes (primarily in Cantonese), thereby spreading the Chinese culture. Every semester starts at the beginning of September until mid-June the year after.
Words from the Principal
Education is not about how much you have committed to memory or how much you know, it’s about replacing a closed mind with an open one. It's about inspiring students to reach for new heights and giving them the confidence to speak and interact ... more
Registration for the 2024/25 School Year
Registration for the 2024/25 school year will begin on May 4th, 2023.
1. School address: Mary Help of Christian Chinese Catholic Parish, 10140 119th Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1Y9.
2. Class dates and times: September 9th, 2023 to June 8th, 2024 on Saturday mornings from 9:30am to 12:00pm.
3. Children must be 3 1/2 years old by September 2024 to enroll in Junior Kindergarten class.
4. Late pick up fee: Children must be picked up on time. There is a late pick-up fee of $10 per 10 minutes after 12:05 pm.
5. Please be punctual. Classes start at 9:30 am. And for the safety of the students, the door will be locked at 9:45 am.
Registration fee: $50 (non-refundable)
Tuition Fee: $250 (including $50 registration fee). $10 off for the third student from the same family and thereafter.
Please e-transfer to payments@escs.ca. To avoid delay, please indicate the name(s) and grade(s) of the student(s) in the remarks. Registration will be processed once we’ve received both your registration form and school fees.
Once the class limit is full, we will no longer accept registration for that class. Students must fill in registration form and paid full tuition fee to reserve a spot in the class.
Due to the limited number of students in each class, some classes might be full already. Please email us if you wish to put on the waiting list.
Thank you again for your support!
2024/25 學年報名將於2024年5月4日開始。
1. 校舍地址︰瑪利亞進教之佑華人天主堂, 10140 119th Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1Y9
2. 上課日期及時間︰2024年9月至2025年6月,星期六上午9:30至中午12:00。
3. 兒童必須於2024 年 9 月前年滿 3 1⁄2 歲才能入讀幼兒班。
4. 學校放學時間為正午12時,請各家長準時接子女放學。逾時由下午12:05起學校會按遲到時間每十分鐘收取$10。
5. 請各位家長準時送子女回校上課,課堂準時在上午9:30開始。為確保學生安全,學校會在上午9:45鎖上大門。
報名費: $50 (不可退款)
全年學費: $250 (已包括 $50 報名費); 第三名或以上就讀子女或家人減費 $10。
請電子轉賬到 payments@escs.ca。為免延誤,請註明學生的姓名和班級。報名申請將於收到報名表以及學費後處理。
一旦額滿,我們將不再接受報名。 學生必須填寫報名表並支付全部學費才能預留學額。
由於每班學生人數有限,部分班級可能已經額滿。 如果您想加入等候名單,請給我們發出電郵。
Schedule This Month
Contact Us
Salesian Chinese School
10140 119 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6K 1Y9
Tel: (780) 482-7481 (parish office)